Bucharest Belgrade, the cheapest flight

Dear all, we would like to know if is applicable the same price as in the advertising:
109 euro for a flight ticket from Bucharest to Belgrade 18.12.2013 - what hour?
Belgrade to Bucharest 14.01.2014 - what hour? Which is the no of the flight?
Thank you in advance and we are looking forward for your answer.


The cheapest flight for dates you want cost 160€.
It is Jat Airways (Air Serbia) flight.
Departure time: 04:20pm, flight number JU 643.
Return time: 01.30pm, flight number JU 642.
You can se offer on link Bucharest Belgrade

For information about payment click here

You can book your ticket online or by phone call every monday - friday 9:00-20:00 on +381-62-280029

Book here accommodation in Belgrade for the best prices.

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