Ticket Lisabon - Berlin
I would like to travel from Lisabon to Berlin and back on 19th September - 25th September. Do you have any options for me?
For selected dates we can offer you the cheapest return ticket Lisabon - Berlin just for 308 euro. You can choose time of departure from Lisabon on19th September from following options: 7:05am or 1:35pm. During the flight there is a stop at the airport in Zurich. Departure from Berlin is set on 25th September at 11:45am with arrival to Berlin at 6:15pm. Total duration of return flight is 7 hours and 30 minutes including stop at the airport in Brussels. The flight is operated by Swiss Air and Brussels Airlines.
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You can book your ticket online or by phone call every monday - friday 9:00-20:00 on +381-62-280029
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