Return ticket Amsetrdam - Washington

How much does it cost to fly from Amsterdam to Washington on 22nd October and back on 9th November? Thank you


The cheapest return ticket Amsterdam - Washington D.C. in selected dates costs 556 euro with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Departure from Amsterdam si planned on 22nd October at 00:40pm with arrival to Washington D.C. at 3:15pm. Duration of this flight is 8 hours and 30 minutes. Return flight starts on 9th November at 6:15 and arrival to Amsterdam on 10th November at 7:45am. Duration of return flight is 7 hours and 30 minutes.

During the flight there is one stop at the airport in Moscow. Total duration of flight is 20 hours.

For information about payment click here

You can book your ticket online or by phone call every monday - friday 9:00-20:00 on +381-62-280029

Book accommodation in Washington D.C. for the best prices.

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